Source code for

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import, division
from six.moves import range, zip, map, reduce, filter

from ..utils import _raise, consume, normalize_mi_ma, axes_dict, axes_check_and_normalize, move_image_axes
import warnings
import numpy as np

from six import add_metaclass
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty

[docs]@add_metaclass(ABCMeta) class Normalizer(): """Abstract base class for normalization methods."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def before(self, x, axes): """Normalization of the raw input image (method stub). Parameters ---------- x : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Raw input image. axes : str Axes of input image x Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Normalized input image with suitable values for neural network input. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def after(self, mean, scale, axes): """Possible adjustment of predicted restored image (method stub). Parameters ---------- mean : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Predicted restored image or per-pixel ``mean`` of Laplace distributions for probabilistic model. scale: :class:`numpy.ndarray` or None Per-pixel ``scale`` of Laplace distributions for probabilistic model (``None`` otherwise.) axes : str Axes of ``mean`` and ``scale`` Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Adjusted restored image(s). """
def __call__(self, x, axes): """Alias for :func:`before` to make this callable.""" return self.before(x, axes) @abstractproperty def do_after(self): """bool : Flag to indicate whether :func:`after` should be called."""
[docs]class NoNormalizer(Normalizer): """No normalization. Parameters ---------- do_after : bool Flag to indicate whether to undo normalization. Raises ------ ValueError If :func:`after` is called, but parameter `do_after` was set to ``False`` in the constructor. """ def __init__(self, do_after=False): self._do_after = do_after def before(self, x, axes): return x def after(self, mean, scale, axes): self.do_after or _raise(ValueError()) return mean, scale @property def do_after(self): return self._do_after
[docs]class PercentileNormalizer(Normalizer): """Percentile-based image normalization. Parameters ---------- pmin : float Low percentile. pmax : float High percentile. do_after : bool Flag to indicate whether to undo normalization (original data type will not be restored). dtype : type Data type after normalization. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments for :func:`csbdeep.utils.normalize_mi_ma`. """ def __init__(self, pmin=2, pmax=99.8, do_after=True, dtype=np.float32, **kwargs): """TODO.""" (np.isscalar(pmin) and np.isscalar(pmax) and 0 <= pmin < pmax <= 100) or _raise(ValueError()) self.pmin = pmin self.pmax = pmax self._do_after = do_after self.dtype = dtype self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def before(self, x, axes): """Percentile-based normalization of raw input image. See :func:`csbdeep.predict.Normalizer.before` for parameter descriptions. Note that percentiles are computed individually for each channel (if present in `axes`). """ self.axes_before = axes_check_and_normalize(axes,x.ndim) axis = tuple(d for d,a in enumerate(self.axes_before) if a != 'C') self.mi = np.percentile(x,self.pmin,axis=axis,keepdims=True).astype(self.dtype,copy=False) = np.percentile(x,self.pmax,axis=axis,keepdims=True).astype(self.dtype,copy=False) return normalize_mi_ma(x, self.mi,, dtype=self.dtype, **self.kwargs)
[docs] def after(self, mean, scale, axes): """Undo percentile-based normalization to map restored image to similar range as input image. See :func:`csbdeep.predict.Normalizer.after` for parameter descriptions. Raises ------ ValueError If parameter `do_after` was set to ``False`` in the constructor. """ self.do_after or _raise(ValueError()) self.axes_after = axes_check_and_normalize(axes,mean.ndim) mi = move_image_axes(self.mi, self.axes_before, self.axes_after, True) ma = move_image_axes(, self.axes_before, self.axes_after, True) alpha = ma - mi beta = mi return ( ( alpha*mean+beta ).astype(self.dtype,copy=False), ( alpha*scale ).astype(self.dtype,copy=False) if scale is not None else None )
@property def do_after(self): """``do_after`` parameter from constructor.""" return self._do_after
[docs]@add_metaclass(ABCMeta) class Resizer(): """Abstract base class for resizing methods."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def before(self, x, axes, axes_div_by): """Resizing of the raw input image (method stub). Parameters ---------- x : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Raw input image. axes : str Axes of input image x axes_div_by : iterable of int Resized image must be evenly divisible by the provided values for each axis. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Resized input image. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def after(self, x, axes): """Resizing of the restored image (method stub). Parameters ---------- x : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Restored image. axes : str Axes of restored image x Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Resized restored image. """
[docs]class NoResizer(Resizer): """No resizing. Raises ------ ValueError In :func:`before`, if image resizing is necessary. """ def before(self, x, axes, axes_div_by): axes = axes_check_and_normalize(axes,x.ndim) consume ( (s%div_n==0) or _raise(ValueError('%d (axis %s) is not divisible by %d.' % (s,a,div_n))) for a, div_n, s in zip(axes, axes_div_by, x.shape) ) return x def after(self, x, axes): return x
[docs]class PadAndCropResizer(Resizer): """Resize image by padding and cropping. If necessary, input image is padded before prediction and restored image is cropped back to size of input image after prediction. Parameters ---------- mode : str Parameter ``mode`` of :func:`numpy.pad` that controls how the image is padded. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments for :func:`numpy.pad`. """ def __init__(self, mode='reflect', **kwargs): """TODO.""" self.mode = mode self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def before(self, x, axes, axes_div_by): """Pad input image. See :func:`csbdeep.predict.Resizer.before` for parameter descriptions. """ axes = axes_check_and_normalize(axes,x.ndim) def _split(v): a = v // 2 return a, v-a self.pad = { a : _split((div_n-s%div_n)%div_n) for a, div_n, s in zip(axes, axes_div_by, x.shape) } # print(self.pad) x_pad = np.pad(x, tuple(self.pad[a] for a in axes), mode=self.mode, **self.kwargs) return x_pad
[docs] def after(self, x, axes): """Crop restored image to retain size of input image. See :func:`csbdeep.predict.Resizer.after` for parameter descriptions. """ axes = axes_check_and_normalize(axes,x.ndim) all(a in self.pad for a in axes) or _raise(ValueError()) crop = tuple ( slice(p[0], -p[1] if p[1]>0 else None) for p in (self.pad[a] for a in axes) ) # print(crop) return x[crop]