Source code for csbdeep.models.care_isotropic

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import, division

import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import zoom

from csbdeep.internals.probability import ProbabilisticPrediction
from .care_standard import CARE
from ..internals.predict import predict_direct
from import PercentileNormalizer, PadAndCropResizer
from ..utils import _raise, axes_check_and_normalize

[docs]class IsotropicCARE(CARE): """CARE network for isotropic image reconstruction. Extends :class:`csbdeep.models.CARE` by replacing prediction (:func:`predict`, :func:`predict_probabilistic`) to do isotropic reconstruction. """
[docs] def predict(self, img, axes, factor, normalizer=PercentileNormalizer(), resizer=PadAndCropResizer(), batch_size=8): """Apply neural network to raw image for isotropic reconstruction. See :func:`CARE.predict` for documentation. Parameters ---------- factor : float Upsampling factor for Z axis. It is important that this is chosen in correspondence to the subsampling factor used during training data generation. batch_size : int Number of image slices that are processed together by the neural network. Reduce this value if out of memory errors occur. """ return self._predict_mean_and_scale(img, axes, factor, normalizer, resizer, batch_size)[0]
[docs] def predict_probabilistic(self, img, axes, factor, normalizer=PercentileNormalizer(), resizer=PadAndCropResizer(), batch_size=8): """Apply neural network to raw image to predict probability distribution for isotropic restored image. See :func:`CARE.predict_probabilistic` for documentation. Parameters ---------- factor : float Upsampling factor for Z axis. It is important that this is chosen in correspondence to the subsampling factor used during training data generation. batch_size : int Number of image slices that are processed together by the neural network. Reduce this value if out of memory errors occur. """ self.config.probabilistic or _raise(ValueError('This is not a probabilistic model.')) mean, scale = self._predict_mean_and_scale(img, axes, factor, normalizer, resizer, batch_size) return ProbabilisticPrediction(mean, scale)
def _predict_mean_and_scale(self, img, axes, factor, normalizer, resizer, batch_size): """Apply neural network to raw image to restore isotropic resolution. See :func:`predict` for parameter explanations. Returns ------- tuple(:class:`numpy.ndarray`, :class:`numpy.ndarray` or None) If model is probabilistic, returns a tuple `(mean, scale)` that defines the parameters of per-pixel Laplace distributions. Otherwise, returns the restored image via a tuple `(restored,None)` """ normalizer, resizer = self._check_normalizer_resizer(normalizer, resizer) axes = axes_check_and_normalize(axes,img.ndim) 'Z' in axes or _raise(ValueError()) axes_tmp = 'CZ' + axes.replace('Z','').replace('C','') _permute_axes = self._make_permute_axes(axes, axes_tmp) channel = 0 x = _permute_axes(img) self.config.n_channel_in == x.shape[channel] or _raise(ValueError()) np.isscalar(factor) and factor > 0 or _raise(ValueError()) def scale_z(arr,factor): return zoom(arr,(1,factor,1,1),order=1) # normalize x = normalizer.before(x,axes_tmp) # scale z up (second axis) x_scaled = scale_z(x,factor) # resize: make (x,y,z) image dimensions divisible by power of 2 to allow downsampling steps in unet x_scaled = resizer.before(x_scaled, axes_tmp, self._axes_div_by(axes_tmp)) # move channel to the end (axes_predict semantics) x_scaled = np.moveaxis(x_scaled, channel, -1) axes_predict = 'S' + axes_tmp[2:] + 'C' channel = -1 # u1: first rotation and prediction x_rot1 = self._rotate(x_scaled, axis=1, copy=False) u_rot1 = predict_direct(self.keras_model, x_rot1, axes_predict, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=0) u1 = self._rotate(u_rot1, -1, axis=1, copy=False) # u2: second rotation and prediction x_rot2 = self._rotate(self._rotate(x_scaled, axis=2, copy=False), axis=0, copy=False) u_rot2 = predict_direct(self.keras_model, x_rot2, axes_predict, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=0) u2 = self._rotate(self._rotate(u_rot2, -1, axis=0, copy=False), -1, axis=2, copy=False) n_channel_predicted = self.config.n_channel_out * (2 if self.config.probabilistic else 1) u_rot1.shape[channel] == n_channel_predicted or _raise(ValueError()) u_rot2.shape[channel] == n_channel_predicted or _raise(ValueError()) # move channel back to the front (axes_tmp semantics) u1 = np.moveaxis(u1, channel, 0) u2 = np.moveaxis(u2, channel, 0) channel = 0 # resize after prediction u1 = resizer.after(u1, axes_tmp) u2 = resizer.after(u2, axes_tmp) # combine u1 & u2 mean1, scale1 = self._mean_and_scale_from_prediction(u1,axis=channel) mean2, scale2 = self._mean_and_scale_from_prediction(u2,axis=channel) # avg = lambda u1,u2: (u1+u2)/2 # arithmetic mean avg = lambda u1,u2: np.sqrt(np.maximum(u1,0)*np.maximum(u2,0)) # geometric mean mean, scale = avg(mean1,mean2), None if self.config.probabilistic: scale = np.maximum(scale1,scale2) if normalizer.do_after and self.config.n_channel_in==self.config.n_channel_out: mean, scale = normalizer.after(mean, scale, axes_tmp) mean, scale = _permute_axes(mean,undo=True), _permute_axes(scale,undo=True) return mean, scale @staticmethod def _rotate(arr, k=1, axis=1, copy=True): """Rotate by 90 degrees around the first 2 axes.""" if copy: arr = arr.copy() k = k % 4 arr = np.rollaxis(arr, axis, arr.ndim) if k == 0: res = arr elif k == 1: res = arr[::-1].swapaxes(0, 1) elif k == 2: res = arr[::-1, ::-1] else: res = arr.swapaxes(0, 1)[::-1] res = np.rollaxis(res, -1, axis) return res