Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import, division
from six.moves import range, zip, map, reduce, filter
from six import string_types

import numpy as np
import sys, os, warnings

from tqdm import tqdm
from ..utils import _raise, consume, compose, normalize_mi_ma, axes_dict, axes_check_and_normalize, choice
from ..utils.six import Path
from import save_training_data

from .transform import Transform, permute_axes, broadcast_target

## Patch filter

[docs]def no_background_patches(threshold=0.4, percentile=99.9): """Returns a patch filter to be used by :func:`create_patches` to determine for each image pair which patches are eligible for sampling. The purpose is to only sample patches from "interesting" regions of the raw image that actually contain a substantial amount of non-background signal. To that end, a maximum filter is applied to the target image to find the largest values in a region. Parameters ---------- threshold : float, optional Scalar threshold between 0 and 1 that will be multiplied with the (outlier-robust) maximum of the image (see `percentile` below) to denote a lower bound. Only patches with a maximum value above this lower bound are eligible to be sampled. percentile : float, optional Percentile value to denote the (outlier-robust) maximum of an image, i.e. should be close 100. Returns ------- function Function that takes an image pair `(y,x)` and the patch size as arguments and returns a binary mask of the same size as the image (to denote the locations eligible for sampling for :func:`create_patches`). At least one pixel of the binary mask must be ``True``, otherwise there are no patches to sample. Raises ------ ValueError Illegal arguments. """ (np.isscalar(percentile) and 0 <= percentile <= 100) or _raise(ValueError()) (np.isscalar(threshold) and 0 <= threshold <= 1) or _raise(ValueError()) from scipy.ndimage import maximum_filter def _filter(datas, patch_size, dtype=np.float32): image = datas[0] if dtype is not None: image = image.astype(dtype) # make max filter patch_size smaller to avoid only few non-bg pixel close to image border patch_size = [(p//2 if p>1 else p) for p in patch_size] filtered = maximum_filter(image, patch_size, mode='constant') return filtered > threshold * np.percentile(image,percentile) return _filter
## Sample patches def sample_patches_from_multiple_stacks(datas, patch_size, n_samples, datas_mask=None, patch_filter=None, verbose=False): """ sample matching patches of size `patch_size` from all arrays in `datas` """ # TODO: some of these checks are already required in 'create_patches' len(patch_size)==datas[0].ndim or _raise(ValueError()) if not all(( a.shape == datas[0].shape for a in datas )): raise ValueError("all input shapes must be the same: %s" % (" / ".join(str(a.shape) for a in datas))) if not all(( 0 < s <= d for s,d in zip(patch_size,datas[0].shape) )): raise ValueError("patch_size %s negative or larger than data shape %s along some dimensions" % (str(patch_size), str(datas[0].shape))) if patch_filter is None: patch_mask = np.ones(datas[0].shape,dtype=bool) else: patch_mask = patch_filter(datas, patch_size) if datas_mask is not None: # TODO: Test this warnings.warn('Using pixel masks for raw/transformed images not tested.') datas_mask.shape == datas[0].shape or _raise(ValueError()) datas_mask.dtype == bool or _raise(ValueError()) from scipy.ndimage import minimum_filter patch_mask &= minimum_filter(datas_mask, patch_size, mode='constant', cval=False) # get the valid indices border_slices = tuple([slice(s // 2, d - s + s // 2 + 1) for s, d in zip(patch_size, datas[0].shape)]) valid_inds = np.where(patch_mask[border_slices]) n_valid = len(valid_inds[0]) if n_valid == 0: raise ValueError("'patch_filter' didn't return any region to sample from") sample_inds = choice(range(n_valid), n_samples, replace=(n_valid < n_samples)) # valid_inds = [v + s.start for s, v in zip(border_slices, valid_inds)] # slow for large n_valid # rand_inds = [v[sample_inds] for v in valid_inds] rand_inds = [v[sample_inds] + s.start for s, v in zip(border_slices, valid_inds)] # res = [np.stack([data[r[0] - patch_size[0] // 2:r[0] + patch_size[0] - patch_size[0] // 2, # r[1] - patch_size[1] // 2:r[1] + patch_size[1] - patch_size[1] // 2, # r[2] - patch_size[2] // 2:r[2] + patch_size[2] - patch_size[2] // 2, # ] for r in zip(*rand_inds)]) for data in datas] res = [np.stack([data[tuple(slice(_r-(_p//2),_r+_p-(_p//2)) for _r,_p in zip(r,patch_size))] for r in zip(*rand_inds)]) for data in datas] return res ## Create training data def _valid_low_high_percentiles(ps): return isinstance(ps,(list,tuple,np.ndarray)) and len(ps)==2 and all(map(np.isscalar,ps)) and (0<=ps[0]<ps[1]<=100) def _memory_check(n_required_memory_bytes, thresh_free_frac=0.5, thresh_abs_bytes=1024*1024**2): try: # raise ImportError import psutil mem = psutil.virtual_memory() mem_frac = n_required_memory_bytes / mem.available if mem_frac > 1: raise MemoryError('Not enough available memory.') elif mem_frac > thresh_free_frac: print('Warning: will use at least %.0f MB (%.1f%%) of available memory.\n' % (n_required_memory_bytes/1024**2,100*mem_frac), file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.flush() except ImportError: if n_required_memory_bytes > thresh_abs_bytes: print('Warning: will use at least %.0f MB of memory.\n' % (n_required_memory_bytes/1024**2), file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.flush()
[docs]def sample_percentiles(pmin=(1,3), pmax=(99.5,99.9)): """Sample percentile values from a uniform distribution. Parameters ---------- pmin : tuple Tuple of two values that denotes the interval for sampling low percentiles. pmax : tuple Tuple of two values that denotes the interval for sampling high percentiles. Returns ------- function Function without arguments that returns `(pl,ph)`, where `pl` (`ph`) is a sampled low (high) percentile. Raises ------ ValueError Illegal arguments. """ _valid_low_high_percentiles(pmin) or _raise(ValueError(pmin)) _valid_low_high_percentiles(pmax) or _raise(ValueError(pmax)) pmin[1] < pmax[0] or _raise(ValueError()) return lambda: (np.random.uniform(*pmin), np.random.uniform(*pmax))
[docs]def norm_percentiles(percentiles=sample_percentiles(), relu_last=False): """Normalize extracted patches based on percentiles from corresponding raw image. Parameters ---------- percentiles : tuple, optional A tuple (`pmin`, `pmax`) or a function that returns such a tuple, where the extracted patches are (affinely) normalized in such that a value of 0 (1) corresponds to the `pmin`-th (`pmax`-th) percentile of the raw image (default: :func:`sample_percentiles`). relu_last : bool, optional Flag to indicate whether the last activation of the CARE network is/will be using a ReLU activation function (default: ``False``) Return ------ function Function that does percentile-based normalization to be used in :func:`create_patches`. Raises ------ ValueError Illegal arguments. Todo ---- ``relu_last`` flag problematic/inelegant. """ if callable(percentiles): _tmp = percentiles() _valid_low_high_percentiles(_tmp) or _raise(ValueError(_tmp)) get_percentiles = percentiles else: _valid_low_high_percentiles(percentiles) or _raise(ValueError(percentiles)) get_percentiles = lambda: percentiles def _normalize(patches_x,patches_y, x,y,mask,channel): pmins, pmaxs = zip(*(get_percentiles() for _ in patches_x)) percentile_axes = None if channel is None else tuple((d for d in range(x.ndim) if d != channel)) _perc = lambda a,p: np.percentile(a,p,axis=percentile_axes,keepdims=True) patches_x_norm = normalize_mi_ma(patches_x, _perc(x,pmins), _perc(x,pmaxs)) if relu_last: pmins = np.zeros_like(pmins) patches_y_norm = normalize_mi_ma(patches_y, _perc(y,pmins), _perc(y,pmaxs)) return patches_x_norm, patches_y_norm return _normalize
[docs]def create_patches( raw_data, patch_size, n_patches_per_image, patch_axes = None, save_file = None, transforms = None, patch_filter = no_background_patches(), normalization = norm_percentiles(), shuffle = True, verbose = True, ): """Create normalized training data to be used for neural network training. Parameters ---------- raw_data : :class:`RawData` Object that yields matching pairs of raw images. patch_size : tuple Shape of the patches to be extraced from raw images. Must be compatible with the number of dimensions and axes of the raw images. As a general rule, use a power of two along all XYZT axes, or at least divisible by 8. n_patches_per_image : int Number of patches to be sampled/extracted from each raw image pair (after transformations, see below). patch_axes : str or None Axes of the extracted patches. If ``None``, will assume to be equal to that of transformed raw data. save_file : str or None File name to save training data to disk in ``.npz`` format (see :func:``). If ``None``, data will not be saved. transforms : list or tuple, optional List of :class:`Transform` objects that apply additional transformations to the raw images. This can be used to augment the set of raw images (e.g., by including rotations). Set to ``None`` to disable. Default: ``None``. patch_filter : function, optional Function to determine for each image pair which patches are eligible to be extracted (default: :func:`no_background_patches`). Set to ``None`` to disable. normalization : function, optional Function that takes arguments `(patches_x, patches_y, x, y, mask, channel)`, whose purpose is to normalize the patches (`patches_x`, `patches_y`) extracted from the associated raw images (`x`, `y`, with `mask`; see :class:`RawData`). Default: :func:`norm_percentiles`. shuffle : bool, optional Randomly shuffle all extracted patches. verbose : bool, optional Display overview of images, transforms, etc. Returns ------- tuple(:class:`numpy.ndarray`, :class:`numpy.ndarray`, str) Returns a tuple (`X`, `Y`, `axes`) with the normalized extracted patches from all (transformed) raw images and their axes. `X` is the array of patches extracted from source images with `Y` being the array of corresponding target patches. The shape of `X` and `Y` is as follows: `(n_total_patches, n_channels, ...)`. For single-channel images, `n_channels` will be 1. Raises ------ ValueError Various reasons. Example ------- >>> raw_data = RawData.from_folder(basepath='data', source_dirs=['source1','source2'], target_dir='GT', axes='ZYX') >>> X, Y, XY_axes = create_patches(raw_data, patch_size=(32,128,128), n_patches_per_image=16) Todo ---- - Save created patches directly to disk using :class:`numpy.memmap` or similar? Would allow to work with large data that doesn't fit in memory. """ ## images and transforms if transforms is None: transforms = [] transforms = list(transforms) if patch_axes is not None: transforms.append(permute_axes(patch_axes)) if len(transforms) == 0: transforms.append(Transform.identity()) if normalization is None: normalization = lambda patches_x, patches_y, x, y, mask, channel: (patches_x, patches_y) image_pairs, n_raw_images = raw_data.generator(), raw_data.size tf = Transform(*zip(*transforms)) # convert list of Transforms into Transform of lists image_pairs = compose(*tf.generator)(image_pairs) # combine all transformations with raw images as input n_transforms = n_images = n_raw_images * n_transforms n_patches = n_images * n_patches_per_image n_required_memory_bytes = 2 * n_patches* * 4 ## memory check _memory_check(n_required_memory_bytes) ## summary if verbose: print('='*66) print('%5d raw images x %4d transformations = %5d images' % (n_raw_images,n_transforms,n_images)) print('%5d images x %4d patches per image = %5d patches in total' % (n_images,n_patches_per_image,n_patches)) print('='*66) print('Input data:') print(raw_data.description) print('='*66) print('Transformations:') for t in transforms: print('{t.size} x {}'.format(t=t)) print('='*66) print('Patch size:') print(" x ".join(str(p) for p in patch_size)) print('=' * 66) sys.stdout.flush() ## sample patches from each pair of transformed raw images X = np.empty((n_patches,)+tuple(patch_size),dtype=np.float32) Y = np.empty_like(X) for i, (x,y,_axes,mask) in tqdm(enumerate(image_pairs),total=n_images,disable=(not verbose)): if i >= n_images: warnings.warn('more raw images (or transformations thereof) than expected, skipping excess images.') break if i==0: axes = axes_check_and_normalize(_axes,len(patch_size)) channel = axes_dict(axes)['C'] # checks # len(axes) >= x.ndim or _raise(ValueError()) axes == axes_check_and_normalize(_axes) or _raise(ValueError('not all images have the same axes.')) x.shape == y.shape or _raise(ValueError()) mask is None or mask.shape == x.shape or _raise(ValueError()) (channel is None or (isinstance(channel,int) and 0<=channel<x.ndim)) or _raise(ValueError()) channel is None or patch_size[channel]==x.shape[channel] or _raise(ValueError('extracted patches must contain all channels.')) _Y,_X = sample_patches_from_multiple_stacks((y,x), patch_size, n_patches_per_image, mask, patch_filter) s = slice(i*n_patches_per_image,(i+1)*n_patches_per_image) X[s], Y[s] = normalization(_X,_Y, x,y,mask,channel) if shuffle: shuffle_inplace(X,Y) axes = 'SC'+axes.replace('C','') if channel is None: X = np.expand_dims(X,1) Y = np.expand_dims(Y,1) else: X = np.moveaxis(X, 1+channel, 1) Y = np.moveaxis(Y, 1+channel, 1) if save_file is not None: print('Saving data to %s.' % str(Path(save_file))) save_training_data(save_file, X, Y, axes) return X,Y,axes
[docs]def create_patches_reduced_target( raw_data, patch_size, n_patches_per_image, reduction_axes, target_axes = None, # TODO: this should rather be part of RawData and also exposed to transforms **kwargs ): """Create normalized training data to be used for neural network training. In contrast to :func:`create_patches`, it is assumed that the target image has reduced dimensionality (i.e. size 1) along one or several axes (`reduction_axes`). Parameters ---------- raw_data : :class:`RawData` See :func:`create_patches`. patch_size : tuple See :func:`create_patches`. n_patches_per_image : int See :func:`create_patches`. reduction_axes : str Axes where the target images have a reduced dimension (i.e. size 1) compared to the source images. target_axes : str Axes of the raw target images. If ``None``, will be assumed to be equal to that of the raw source images. kwargs : dict Additional parameters as in :func:`create_patches`. Returns ------- tuple(:class:`numpy.ndarray`, :class:`numpy.ndarray`, str) See :func:`create_patches`. Note that the shape of the target data will be 1 along all reduction axes. """ reduction_axes = axes_check_and_normalize(reduction_axes,disallowed='S') transforms = kwargs.get('transforms') if transforms is None: transforms = [] transforms = list(transforms) transforms.insert(0,broadcast_target(target_axes)) kwargs['transforms'] = transforms save_file = kwargs.pop('save_file',None) if any(s is None for s in patch_size): patch_axes = kwargs.get('patch_axes') if patch_axes is not None: _transforms = list(transforms) _transforms.append(permute_axes(patch_axes)) else: _transforms = transforms tf = Transform(*zip(*_transforms)) image_pairs = compose(*tf.generator)(raw_data.generator()) x,y,axes,mask = next(image_pairs) # get the first entry from the generator patch_size = list(patch_size) for i,(a,s) in enumerate(zip(axes,patch_size)): if s is not None: continue a in reduction_axes or _raise(ValueError("entry of patch_size is None for non reduction axis %s." % a)) patch_size[i] = x.shape[i] patch_size = tuple(patch_size) del x,y,axes,mask X,Y,axes = create_patches ( raw_data = raw_data, patch_size = patch_size, n_patches_per_image = n_patches_per_image, **kwargs ) ax = axes_dict(axes) for a in reduction_axes: a in axes or _raise(ValueError("reduction axis %d not present in extracted patches" % a)) n_dims = Y.shape[ax[a]] if n_dims == 1: warnings.warn("extracted target patches already have dimensionality 1 along reduction axis %s." % a) else: t = np.take(Y,(1,),axis=ax[a]) Y = np.take(Y,(0,),axis=ax[a]) i = np.random.choice(Y.size,size=100) if not np.all(t.flat[i]==Y.flat[i]): warnings.warn("extracted target patches vary along reduction axis %s." % a) if save_file is not None: print('Saving data to %s.' % str(Path(save_file))) save_training_data(save_file, X, Y, axes) return X,Y,axes
# Misc def shuffle_inplace(*arrs,**kwargs): seed = kwargs.pop('seed', None) if seed is None: rng = np.random else: rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=seed) state = rng.get_state() for a in arrs: rng.set_state(state) rng.shuffle(a)